User Perspective

PowerLink Decentralized Mobile Power Rental Ecosystem: User Perspective

1. Rental Usage

  • User Operation: Users initiate a rental request through the PowerLink application.

  • System Verification: The system confirms user identity and rental eligibility through multi-factor authentication (MFA) and account balance checks (supporting both fiat and digital assets).

  • Device Release: Upon successful verification, the cabinet receives instructions via an IoT gateway and automatically releases the mobile power device. Users connect the mobile power device to their smart devices (e.g., smartphones) for efficient and intelligent charging.

2. Device Data Analysis

  • Data Recording: The PowerLink system uses embedded sensors and microprocessors to record real-time data on user charging duration and power consumption, aiding in the analysis of charging needs for different smart devices.

  • System Optimization: This data helps optimize the Battery Management System (BMS) of mobile power banks, improving charging efficiency and device lifespan.

  • Device Coverage Monitoring: Each mobile power bank cabinet is equipped with high-performance microprocessors and Wi-Fi modules, enabling real-time identification and recording of nearby mobile power devices. This ensures comprehensive understanding of the coverage and distribution of PowerLink devices, aiding in power network optimization.

3. Return and Deployment Optimization

  • Device Return: After charging is complete, users return the mobile power device to any PowerLink cabinet. The cabinet confirms the return operation via an IoT gateway.

  • Optimized Deployment: The system records data such as charging duration and return time. Based on data analysis, PowerLink uses Geographic Information System (GIS) and predictive algorithms to optimize the density of cabinet placements, ensuring sufficient device supply in high-demand areas, thus enhancing user experience. Additionally, users earn PowerLink points upon returning devices, which can be used for various benefits and services within PowerLink.

4. Community Building

  • Advertisement Placement: The PowerLink application features advertisement placement functionality. Utilizing precise ad push technology, users can choose to watch ads while using the mobile power device to waive rental fees or earn corresponding point rewards, contributing to the community while using the service.

  • Token Economy: Users can use the points earned within the PowerLink ecosystem to redeem charging services, purchase eco-friendly products, and enjoy more value-added services, promoting a green economy and sustainable development.

  • Ownership and Rental Income: Users can opt to purchase ownership of mobile power devices and rent them out to the PowerLink platform. When other users utilize these devices, the owning users can earn corresponding rental income, further increasing user participation and earning opportunities.

Last updated